This Mississippi coat button was found in a site occupied by the 48th Mississippi Regiment near Frederickaburg, Virginia. It bears the backmark of Hyde & Goodrich of New Orleans. The firm didn't make buttons but purchased them by the thousands from Scovill, one of the nation's leading button manufacturers. Scovill supplied buttons to southern states as late as June 1861.
This coat size button is intact with gilded highlights still outlining the letters and star motif.
The 48th Regiment was organized in November 1862 drawn from the 2nd Miss. Inf. Battalion weeks before the Battle of Fredericksburg. The 48th proved to be a courageous unit that fought under Lee from Fredericksburg through Gettysburg, and to the bitter end at Appomattox. This is a great relic from a glorious regiment of the Magnolia State.
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