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Straight razor of Lt. Evans 4th Ohio
Item #: FD 251
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Razors were not military issue items during the Civil War but were essential for those who valued good grooming. Most razors that survived the conflict were used after the war as personal utilitarian items until they wore out. Few survived as souvenir mementos. This exceptional example did survive and bears the name of its owner, Lt. J.G. Evans, Co. H, 4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

The razor was an expensive high quality razor of its day. It bears Evan's identity carved beautifully in its bone scale. The maker's name, "King William Razor" is visible etched on the face of the blade. "Warrented Sheffield Made" was stamped into the shank. The name "Burnell" is stamped proudly on the opposite side of the shank. The pedigree of this razor's maker deems it highly collectible without the soldier's identification inscribed.

Evans enlisted as a sergeant on June 5, 1861, in Ohio. He was 29 years old. On April 29, 1863, he was promoted to lieutenant. His unit participated in most of the major battles of the Army of the Potomac; Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, to Appomattox. Evans was mustered out in the summer of 1864. This is a rare and exceptional personal relic of the war. Still works too!

Evans' descendants were highly successful attorneys, legislators, businessmen, and generous philanthropists. The family's history is very impressive as well as Lt. Evans'. Records and report is included.
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Your Price $1,350.00 USD
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