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POW Camp Art Desk Set
Item #: JSM 2117
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This is an unusual and extremely interesting officer's desk set made by a German POW. It was made of scrap: plastic, aluminum, .45 calibre shell casings, glue, and a US cap insignia. Nonetheless, the set was well made even though the maker relied on limited parts and tools. The group consists of two wall hooks; a smaller one for a cap, and another for a jacket. There is a circular container presumably for cigarettes as the height is right for Camels, Lucky Strikes, and other typical short cigarettes of the era. There is a box with brass hinged lid decorated with dark green stars. The largest box has compartments for paper clips, binder clips, and other small office supplies. It is decorated with the US army hat eagle insignia and .45 cal casings were drilled and filled with tiny aluminum rods glued in place. The five pieces are all intact and functional. One small aluminum pin is missing from one of the wall hooks--a minor detraction. The underside of the large box bears the maker's identification: "Rudolf Hahn Germany Meerane i/SA Altmarkt.3" Really neat piece!
Shipping Weight: 3 lbs
Your Price $165.00 USD
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