Gen. Taliaferro was an intriguing man--Gloucester County, Virginia aristocrat, maj.-gen. of militia, Harvard-educated lawyer, Virginia delegate, and regular US army officer and Mexican War veteran. Taliaferro gained notoriety as another of the South's officers who got on the wrong side of the great Stonewall Jackson. Taliaferro served under Jackson in his Shenadoah Valley and Seven Days' campaigns and, despite their shared devotion to strict discipline, bickered--much to Taliaferro's detriment. Taliaferro was wounded at Groveton, and, in July 1863, commanded Battery Wagner on Morris Island. (He was the commander who resisted the assault of the 54th Mass. of "Glory" fame.) At the close of the war he commanded a division under Joe Johnston in North Carolina. The trunk was purchased from the Taliaferro family by early collector and personal friend, Jim Moser of Orange, Virginia, decades ago. The trunk has replaced hinges, and minor repairs to bottom of trunk. Latch is original. This sturdy pine trunk measures 42 1/2" long x 18 3/4" wide x 15 1/2" deep. Overall condition is excellent!
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Your Price $5,000.00 USD
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